
About Gramarye Media

Gramarye Media is a startup poised to disrupt the Hollywood Studio Model with a methodology to mitigate risk, reduce costs, and open more channels for revenue generation. Here’s how we told the story to investors at the Crypto Investment Summit in Los Angeles.

Overview Video

Here’s what we do, how we do it, and how you can benefit. This short video breaks down our business model and explains why we’re poised to disrupt the traditional Hollywood studio model. Get the entire Gramarye Media story … in just under three minutes.

Fox Business Interview: John Adcox and Alice Neuhauser of Team Gramarye

Gramarye Media CEO John Adcox and President Alice Neuhauser were interviewed about disrupting Hollywood on Fox Business Network’s Exploring the Block show.

Fox Business Interview: John Adcox and Linda Goetze of the Blockchain Chamber

Gramarye CEO John Adcox and Linda Goetze of the Blockchain Chamber of Commerce were interviewed on the Fox Business Network show Exploring the Block.

Online Communities: A Talk at Future X

FutureXLive: Gramarye Media CEO John Adcox speaks about “Online Communities: Humanity’s Digital Hive at the FutureX Live: The Next 10 conference.

Crypto Invest Summit Interview

Gramarye’s CEO John Adcox was interviewed at the Crypto Invest Summit.

eBook 2.0 Demo

After a story is selected and completes our incubation process, we publish it, both as a hardcover book and as something new and special. eBook 2.0 is designed to be an immersive, magical reading experience that makes you feel like you’re a part of the story. Here’s our first, rough attempt to show what it might look like, and how it might help us decide which stories to develop into cross-media franchises.

The Storyteller’s Toolbox

If you’re writing a novel, crafting a screenplay, or even giving a business presentation, you’re a storyteller.

As Alan Kay, Vice President at the Walt Disney Company, put it, “Why was Solomon recognized as the wisest man in the world? Because he knew more stories than anyone else. Scratch the surface in a typical boardroom and we’re all just cavemen with briefcases, hungry for a wise person to tell us stories.”

Here some tools to help storytellers — the building blocks that story is made of. We hope they’ll help you tell your stories. Please let us know what you think!