John Adcox of Gramarye was interviewed and featured in the Business of Film special section of The December 8, 2017 issue of The Atlanta Business Chronicle.
“Content creation is the key to increasing the stability of Georgia’s growing film industry and bringing in the additional investment that goes along with it.”
“Gov. Nathan Deal announced film and television productions generated $9.5 billion in economic impact in fiscal 2017. While that represents amazing progress, the state’s film industry remains in a precarious. position.”
“Under the current climate, “bigger films look at Georgia essentially as the Chinese factory,” John Adcox said. “We’re cheap labor, but the investment comes from elsewhere. The content is born and owned elsewhere, and packaged and distributed elsewhere.”
“Gramarye’s model could help change things. The company wants to discover manuscripts before they publish, workshop them into interactive e-books, test them on readers and collect data to see which ones have audience potential.”
“Developing original content in the state “is certainly something we’ve wanted for a long time, and there’s always been a push for it,” Thomas said. “Most of the development money is in L.A. for these types of projects.”
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